Our Story...
"The Von Schneider story began in my family’s private workshop. Set against the foothills of the Colorado Rocky Mountains. A special corner of the world with high mountain peaks, flowing rivers, and lands still untouched by civilization. A true picture of the American West  

With a lifelong collection of tools, knowledge, and skills...
A journey began that we continue to improve and build upon every day

Our vision was to create elegant, raw, and timeless furniture pieces. Through this vision, the Von Schneider furniture collection was born"

-Troy J Schneider

At Von Schneider…

We believe positive steps, over time, can change the world

Our focuses are simple:

We create and build aesthetically pleasing, long lasting products

We use sustainable materials and practices, and only work with suppliers who share this dedication

Our products are built by craftspeople who are dedicated to mastering their skills and continuing fine craft traditions

Low production, high quality... Quiet Luxury that defines spaces and sparks conversations

Our furniture stands in its own category, and that is Modern West…

We Welcome You To Join Our Movement...